Recommendations to Increase Recruitment of Educators of Color.

The race and culture of teacher matters!

“Until we get equality in education, we won’t have an equal society.”

– Sonia Sotomayor


Recruitment Recommendations

Select the category of recommendation below.

State Recommendations

  • Provide incentives and scholarships to attract diverse candidates  
  • Remove tuition barriers for those entering the educator workforce to increase educator diversity
  • Offer alternative pathways to certification to increase candidates’ dimension of diversity
  • Provide professional learning to school districts to build culturally competent educators

District Recommendations

  • Establish measurable hiring goals and progress monitor to ensure goals are achieved
  • Develop and expand Grow Your Own Programs to build a pipeline that supports professional growth opportunities for students, staff, and community members (paraprofessionals, administrative support, janitors, community volunteers, coaches, etc.)  
  • Prioritize funding to support recruitment initiatives for diverse candidates to increase educator diversity
  • Increase early hiring and provide open contracts for diverse candidates to become educators 
  • Hire diverse educators in cohort groups to decrease isolation in the workplace
  • Conduct an equity audit to create a sense of belonging in the workforce

Education Preparation Programs

  • Establish cohorts  and market programs specifically to attract diverse candidates 
  • Provide wrap-around strategies to support candidates throughout preparation programs 
  • Offer flexible programming and scheduling options to support program completion 


  • Partner with local school districts and organizations to increase resources to support the recruitment and retention for diverse educators
  • Focus on incentives and opportunities to aid with tuition, housing, transportation, and relocation assistance


  • Examine, change, and eliminate policies that create barriers to diverse candidates from entering the Delaware educator workforce
  • Implement progressive legislation to increase educators of color, linguistically diverse educators, and male educators in the Delaware workforce


  • Engage in on-going collaborations to ensure community voice is heard, honored, and valued 
  • Communicate the Diversify the Delaware Educator Workforce Initiative to the community
  • Advocate and support for legislation to creates pathways to increase the recruitment of diverse educators